"Yes, I need some cash"

"Yes, I need some cash," the email read.

I don't do handouts. It creates dependence. Like an animal caged in a zoo.

I empower. It creates independence. Like an animal in the wild.

I replied:

  1. Do what you'd do for free (because you enjoy it, care about it, are interested in it, are passionate about it, etc).
  2. Teach yourself the basics.
  3. Decide if you want to be employed or self-employed.
    1. Employed: identify people who you respect and are ahead of you in your chosen field.
    2. Self-employed: identify businesses or people around you whose outcomes you can improve with what you know. Skip those who are doing well - your skills aren't up for it yet.
  4. Apply what you've learnt - message them: an audit, a solution and an offer to implement it for free.
  5. Send messages until one bites. Then deliver.
  6. Ask for a testimonial or referral.
  7. Do more of the same.
    1. Employed: identify how you can add more value to your mentor's life or business. Deliver - for free.
    2. Self-employed: help more businesses and people for free. Get testimonials or referrals.

Do this 1~6 months and you'll be:

  • Hired,
  • Referred,
  • Able to charge, or
  • Given opportunities

The faster you provide value upfront, the faster you'll receive. The more value you provide upfront, the more you'll receive.

The speed at which you transform your life depends on the speed at which you move.

This strategy works anywhere, anytime at $0 to start.

The internet lets you work globally and benefit from geographic arbitrage (live in low-cost areas, work in high-income areas).

But - even without internet access - this strategy works locally.

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

I just taught you how to fish. But I can't make you fish.

What I can do is help you pick the rod that suits you most, select the fish you'll most enjoy and show you where they bite the best.

And we can do all that in less than 30 minutes.
(Or I can help your friend who "needs cash", if you forward this email.)


P.S. Philosophical rant: the quickest, simplest solution to "I need some money" is reducing your wants. It's simple but not easy. Money is a resource we use to save ourselves time but does not get us anything we cannot (also) get via other means. Disagree? Email me.

I'm building 18 startups in 18 months.

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